
美文阅读 2016-09-29 04:07:34 美文阅读
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Tolerance means tolerating or pulling up with differences.   36   This concept means different things to different people, but it is when something is disagreeable that tolerance is expected, and in more politically correct cultures, demanded.

There are many different ways to show tolerance. A person might fully disagree with others on any issue, while at the same respecting those with different opinions and treating them with dignity.   37   .

One problem is the fact that this respect is sometimes one-sided.   38   , but some supporters feel reasonable in labeling those who disagree with hateful terms, and vice versa. People on both sides of an issue must be tolerant of each other.

   39   It does not mean that a person has to accept actions or ideas that are against his or her values or beliefs. It means that each person agrees to respect the other"s right to his or her feelings on the matter. When both parties have expressed their opinions, and it is obvious that neither is likely to change position, agreeing to disagree is often the ideal outcome.

Some degree of tolerance is necessary in any civilized society.   40   . It goes against human nature. Putting up with differences is a virtue that requires honest effort on the part of every person. It takes time to develop.

A. Therefore. both parties should change their opinions if necessary.

B. It is widely accepted that tolerance is a critical step towards a peaceful world.

C. It refers to showing respect for the race, religion and opinions of other people.

D. Disagreement alone does not equal intolerance.

E. However, it is not realistic to believe that all people can achieve it completely on every issue.

F. Those who disagree with a particular issue must respect the opinions of those who support it.

G. When it comes to controversial issues, tolerance may also represent a "let"s agree to disagree" attitude.


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