
高中作文 2019-03-26 01:07:34 高中作文
[摘要]今天是四月五日,妈妈告诉我今天是清明节,今天一家人要去扫墓。  Today教学文档>教案



  Today is April 5th, my mother told me that today is the Ching Ming Festival, one family to sweep the tombs today.


  I be jubilant at the tomb of the fat to jump, grandpa told me not to run around in the tomb, which is not good behavior. I see my grandfather they pull an unknown things in front of the grave. Be not a little bewildered I asked: "what is this?" Dad said: "this is food, specifically for these to our ancestors ancestors taste food".


  After arriving home, I asked: "Dad, why do we have to worship the ancestors?" Dad said: "because of the ancient customs, we have to do." I think I must be more filial piety than ancient people grow up. As the saying goes: out of the blue red it.



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